Thursday, April 2, 2009

Today, we went to a castle and to a village
The castle was high up on a mountain and it was pretty scary driving around sharp turns in a big bus
When we got to the top it was freezing
We had to stand outside for a long time listening to a tour guide, but it wasn't that boring
I was hoping it was going to be warmer inside the castle, but it wasn't
We walked all arouind the huge castle and my feet were very numb
After the tour of the castle, we went to the village Kaysersberg
We walked around for a while and then we went to meet the mayor but he wasn't able to come meet us so we had to stand in a room and they gave us food
We drove back to Strasbourg and I fell asleep on the bus
When we arrived, we were video taped for OBAMA
I felt like a star

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